Our Services

Software error resolution, data backup, resolution of hardware issues, and any other technology issue not previously mentioned.

General support for applications such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Outlook, and many more.

Removal of viruses, spyware, rogue security programs and other malicious software.

Provides Microsoft Office Support, Microsoft word support, Microsoft Excel Support, Installation and setup support.

Easy Support LLC optimization helps improve your computer's performance and help make your computer run faster.

Adobe is the global standard for educators keep you current as you prepare students for success.

Installation, configuration, un-installation, and resolution of errors for Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Firewall, and other related software.

Setting up email and internet connection. It Provides Support for Yahoo, Gmail and Microsoft Outlook Support.

Provides each and every information and supports related to Facebook social plugins.

Software error resolution, hardware issues, and any other technology issues related to any brand such as dell, acer, lenevo, hp etc.

In Peripheral support we provide all supports related to computer peripherals, scanner , Itunes and MP3.

Operation deals with keeping the network ,Administration deals with keeping track of resources in the network and how they are assigned and router supports.